Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Doors of Prague - part two

Sorry, feeling a bit virusy today - Alex is rather off-colour so I hope we aren't about to get summer colds or anything (yuck). So no "Big Baroque Birds" tonight as that requires quite a few files to give the sense of the sheer scale of it. Here instead are two doors - elements of both have been used on our decks (oh a thought, I could run a competition to ask people to identify the decks and cards that have elements from various photographs - hmm, might do that in the autumn, it would be fun). Anyway, enjoy these:
Modern door in ancient doorway - but then most of the wooden doors have probably been replaced about once a century after all, and this will soon darken down.
Marvelous door at the side of St Vitus Cathedral. Sadly taken away this year and replaced with a reproduction (well, I suppose they have to - otherwise it might be hard to protect it). Glad we got photos before it vanished into a museum.
Close-up - amazing isn't it?
One last one for today - "At the Sign of the Pink Swan". I would LOVE the door to my apartment house to look like that (apartment bells can be seen on the left). I'd probably never move.

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