Saturday, November 24, 2007

Emilie Simon - Flowers
I look at this and wonder how on earth we can get anywhere near. Oh - did I mention we are making a short animated film. Our budget is tiny but our passion is great! I'm not complaining about the budget - we were actually, amazingly, given it. It's a long story and I don't know if it's meant to be public. I am beyond grateful to the person who did this. So suddenly my mind is beginning to be taken over by ideas of re-assembled and severely deconstructed cuckoo clocks (just as well I'm in Prague where we should be able to get hold of a beauty to work on). I've wanted to make a film ever since my first marriage when my husband was a talented artist (it's not what he did for a living though - another long story) who wanted to make a film - he never did. Ah well, at least it looks as though one of us will.

Friday, November 16, 2007

All I want for Christmas...

Is a SteamPunk keyboard. I really, really want one. Really. But urk, the price! Oh well. I can at least admire the whole surreal wonderfulness of it from a distance:

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

We had to get a completely disfunctional family in there somewhere

In some ways I so relate to this card and to that little girl. Oh dear, sometime you come up with images that hit rather close to home (if you'll excuse the pun). Still, long ago and far away...

Monday, November 12, 2007

Eight of Pentacles

Shades of Angela Carter's "The Magic Toyshop" I think. Only two more cards to go now, and one of those (Ten of Cups) is already completed. We are working on the last card - Four of Wands - right now. It is always interesting to see which card gets left to last. I'm sure there is some significance.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Three of Cups

I'm really happy with these final cards - we are very tired and I was worried that that might show, but in some ways the images have just got better and better. Well, that's what I think!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Björk & PJ Harvey- Satisfaction (Rolling Stones cover)
Have I posted this before? I can't remember, I hope not. I love it!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Six of Wands

My problem with the Six of Wands is that it tends to be a useful but somewhat worthy and boring card in most decks. So we decided with this version to really pull out the stops and make it into something much more controversial and thought-provoking:The Six of Wands from the Bohemian Gothic Tarot. By Baba Studio.

The Six of Wands from the Bohemian Gothic Tarot. By Baba Studio.

The Six of Wands from the Bohemian Gothic Tarot. By Baba Studio.

By the way, this witch is a real gargoyle that hangs over the Mala Strana end of the Charles Bridge. We make her larger, so that she could be seen properly on the card. Interestingly, very few people who walk under her notice her - I suppose there is generally too much going on and too many crowds.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Ten of Wands

Another one that I'm particularly pleased with: