Sunday, September 11, 2005

Mozart Memento Mori

We finally invested in this "Mozart" fabric that we've had our eyes on for ages. It is pre-WWII so what MAKES it is that the light pink yarn is silk - and the rest is cotton. Apparently nowadays they nearly always use synthetic to get the sheen - not at all the same. There is quite a lot of it and the condition is fabulous. However, it means buying some new dupion as I'm not convinced that the colours we have already are right with this. Ohter good news (skip this bit if the "washing and cleaning question" is becoming totally boring) is that it washes beautifully, which means we can do a full-colour print and a "hand-wash don't dry-clean" bag. So - it will obviously go beautifully with a print of our "Masquerade Cat" (edited to add this print) Masquerade Cat But I'm wondering about this fabric also (as an alternative) with a photo of the Bone Chapel that we're working on. Rather than go totally grim, we have taken the parts of the Chapel in which there are sweet little cherubs (clutching skulls of course - I mean that's the whole point of the bone chapel. Oh - link here if anyone is wondering what on earth I'm talking about - scroll down and you'll see a perky little cherub atop a nicely arranged pile of bones). Mozart Do you think this would be too much? Am I simply too keen to produce a bag that I can call "Memento Mori Mozart"? I imagine something that from a distance will look very sweet, and then from close-up will be slightly shocking - but in a good way (I very much like memento mori as I think they remind us to live well too). Anyway, I think I'll do it and just see how it looks. Unless everyone here goes "yeuch!" or something. ps - Moon-cat bag reached an embarrassingly high price on ebay thanks to some very generous people. We are really pleased that a good chunk of money is being raised. But someone here pointed out to me that it's also good publicity for the artists who contribute and as I (and she) feel a bit odd about that - though I guess it's fine - maybe I'll just leave commenting at that.

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