Thursday, December 11, 2008

A winter evening celebration

Nice evening yesterday celebrating my birthday (don't ask, don't ask!) I decided that I really didn't want an expensive slick restaurant but did very much want a leisurely evening walk over Charles Bridge, through the Clementinum and into the Old Town Christmas Market. The market is actually quite small this year, and much less crowded than it used to be. In a way that was nice.

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A fairly typically tasteful and "arty" Czech crib.

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The folk dancers were a bit, er, restrained or half-hearted or something. But the kids seemed to enjoy it.

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Trdelik is a Czech Christmas institution. Click on the picture if you want to read more about this cinnamon doughy ring.

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That's me. I post very few pictures of myself but this one made me laugh when Alex looked at it and exclaimed, "You look like Eskimosa!" It's true, it's true.
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Oh, I nearly forgot the ham. It smelled wonderful and I was tempted. But we went to really quite a good Italian instead. Lovely evening, calm and relaxed and fun. We finished it off at home with cake and mince pies and a video of "Smoke". I LOVE Paul Auster's writing - good little film.

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